From a Chinese medicine perspective, the nature of COVID-19 is a form of damp-heat disease. It is easily misdiagnosed as Yin deficiency or damp-coldness in people with underlying chronic inflammation and compromised immunity because the damp-heat symptoms can be easily masked by these conditions.
Constitutional patterns:
1. Chronic inflammation — for such people, as soon as they are infected by COVID they progress into the more severe stage. 2. People with chronic stagnant dampness tend to develop heat toxicity in their body’s system. 3. Folks with sever Covid infections do not tend to have severe symptoms. It is important to closely monitor the pulse and tongue patterns after the fever, severe body ache, severe fatigue stage, because even if the symptoms are not debilitating anymore, or may not even be present, the person’s tongue and pulse patterns may still reveal signs of lingering pathogens. For a person who does not have a fever or only have a low-grade fever, it is important to check if the pulse is above 85 bpm. A healthy person from a Chinese medicine perspective should have a pulse that is within the 60s bpm, the increase in pulse rate indicate inflammation that is silently happening, there is a risk of a cytokine storm, which can quickly develop and is life-threatening.
Read about herbs that can deal with post-COVID symptoms:
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