Initial Visit (New Patient)

Health is a commitment.  To best support your wellbeing, we must first understand what your body is doing as an attempt to keep your overall balance.  If our center of gravity is off-centered, the body will initiate certain compensatory mechanisms to maintain our overall balance, as a result, all kinds of discomfort and even serious disorders can be caused, even if they don’t seem to be related at all.  The purpose of holistic medicine is to detect roots of the problems, support and strengthen the body’s healthy mechanisms so that it does not need to be stuck in the diseased patterns.

This session includes an initial 40-minute diagnostic assessment with a detailed intake of chief complaints, health history, objective, and subjective clinical findings, as well as your healthcare goals.  This is followed by a 10-minute examination (pulse diagnosis, tongue patterns, assessments, testing, etc.)

Follow-Up Visit (Returning Patient)

This session begins with an evaluation of your progress, and the changes of the condition will be assessed and charted. Unlike most Chinese medicine practitioners, who typically insert the needles and leave the client in the treatment room for 15-30 minutes, we will spend the entire time together in the treatment room, focusing relevant health issues, assessing your responses to the therapy, making sure it is bringing positive changes to the body.  

Fact: consistent treatments bring better results. It is recommended to schedule weekly for the first 4 weeks to maximize the benefits of the treatments, and help the practitioner gain a clearer insight of your constitution, current condition, and response to the applied therapies.  Depending on your current condition, treatment plans and visit frequency can be discussed and adjusted at the end of each session.

Herbal Consultation

Herbology is a crucial component of Chinese medicine.  It is considered the most powerful therapy among all holistic medicine modalities, and herbs have been used in treating difficult and recalcitrant disorders, including but not limited to autoimmune disorders, allergies, oncological conditions, dermatological disorders, digestive disorders, thyroid issues, nervous system issues, acute and chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, new or recurring (viral, bacterial and/or fungal) infections, gynecological disorders, fertility, obstetric conditions, pediatric conditions.

This session includes a thorough assessment of your body’s systems, health history, health related habits and lifestyle.  At the end of each session, we will provide you with an easy-to-understand summary of the clinical findings and herb prescriptions. Dietary and lifestyle suggestions may also be included if needed.

Singing Bowl Therapy (full session)

Singing bowl therapy can be used as complementary therapy for mental-emotional disturbances, sleep disorders, restlessness, respiratory disorders, immune imbalance, hormonal imbalance, and beyond.  It is a soothing therapy that is widely acknowledged and practiced in European and Asian countries.  They originated in Nepal and India, but mistakenly called Tibetan singing bowls because the monks used them as meditation tools.

We only use 100% hand-forged antique singing bowls at Oku.  They are carefully selected from thousands of singing bowls by the German Reiki and singing bowl master, Peter Effenberger.  Each singing bowl has one or more healthy frequencies that have been found in nature, each benefiting specific realms and layers of the body.  Frequencies can be used singularly or be combined to achieve the desired therapeutic results.

Singing Bowl Therapy (trial)

If you have never tried singing bowl therapy before, there is no better place to experience it than at Oku Acupuncture & Herbs.  The rare singing bowls are not available on the market anymore due to the high demand.  Dr. Paau was so impressed by its effect that she immediately decided to become a singing bowl therapist after her first trial.  The only way to know its power is to try it yourself.

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