To avoid charges, we ask you to kindly contact the clinic if you will not be making your booked appointment AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. It is a commitment to be professional, ready and prepared for your visit.  The practitioner is booked several weeks ahead and have a waiting list for appointments.  If there is no sufficient notice of appointment cancellation, it’d be difficult to fill the missed appointment slot.

As a courtesy to you, and to help patients remember their scheduled appointments, Oku Acupuncture & Herbs scheduling system will send you a reminder email 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.  You also have the option to sign up for text message reminders as well.  If you would like that option, please notify the clinic.

If your schedule has changed and you cannot keep your appointment, please reach out so the practitioner may reschedule you and accommodate those patients who are waiting for an appointment.

Late Cancellation / No-Show Policy

A late cancellation is when you fail to give an at least 24-hour notice of an appointment cancellation/reschedule. A “no-show” means that you fail to show up at a scheduled session and fail to contact the practitioner in any way prior to the appointment.
In this case, a $100 fee will be billed to your card on file or will be collected from you. In the case of no-show, fees will NOT be refunded to you. This is NOT BILLABLE to insurance.

If there are further violations of this policy, we will sadly have to terminate our therapeutic relationship and prevent you from scheduling further. While this may seem a harsh policy, but it is for the sake of a healthy client and practitioner community. Please feel free to reach out if you have any concerns.


Life happens and it is understandable.  As a courtesy, first-time late cancellation or no-show is free of charge.  A reminder will be sent to you to make sure that you’re aware of our policy on late cancellation and no-show.  You can reach out to reschedule another visit when you feel ready.

In some extreme cases with chronic cancellation due to medical or other significant issues, same-day cancellation may be permitted, and the late cancellation fee may be waived.

Important Notice During the Pandemic

You cannot reschedule until you have paid the fees of stated above in this section.

This charge is not reimbursable by your insurance provider, and you will be billed directly to your card on file.

Cancellation due to significant emergencies

It is understandable that emergencies of a non-medical nature happen.  Please call our office as soon as possible if you feel you cannot make your visit with your reasonable situation.  If it is not a repeated instance, we will be willing to work with you on a case-by-case basis.

Cancellation due to practitioner’s emergencies

The practitioners at the clinic are serious in their professionalism and has a strong work ethic.  A notification from the clinic will be sent to you if, in any rare and very unlikely situations, your visit must be cancelled.  Typically, your booked visit will not be cancelled if there is less than 24 hours before your visit unless some extreme or severe situations in life happened.  She will work with you to reschedule another visit.  If you do not wish to reschedule, a full refund will be sent to you within 7-14 business days after the cancellation.

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