Important notes:
This formula is for external use only.
Please consult your healthcare provider before applying.
蒼朮 Cang Zhu, 10g
樟木 Zhang Mu, 8g
公丁香 Gong Ding Xiang 5g
白檀香 Bai Tan Xiang, 5g
辛夷 Xin Yi, 4g
佩蘭 Pei Lan, 3g
香櫞 Xiang Yuan 3g
薄荷腦 Bo He Nao, 3g
安息香 An Xi Xiang, 1g
蘇和香 Su He Xiang, 1g
Grind the herbs separating and combine the powders according to the indicated proportion.
Pour the powder into a muslin bag and place the bag in a pouch.
Hang the pouch in the wardrobe to prevent mold & bugs.