2023 Nourishing Porridge for the Season of Summer Solstice 癸卯年夏至節氣養生粥

For the year of Yin Water Rabbit 癸卯, Fire Qi is deficient in general. Currently, Yangming Dry Metal will be the dominant Qi until the end of the third Qi phase.  From June 21 to July 6, we will be in the season of Summer Solstice 夏至 (Xia Zhi).  This is the third season node of the third Qi phase.  Within each season, the Host Qi resonates with our Upright Qi, while the Guest Qi resonates with the pathogenic Qi in the environment.  Currently, the Host Qi is Shaoyang Ministerial Fire, and the Guest Qi is Yangming Dry Metal.  Their transmission and transformation depend on the Fire Qi, which is deficient this year.  The Fire and Metal forces are not compatible with each other, there will be diseases resulting from the combat between them.  Ministerial Fire supports and magnifies the Fire energies, while Yangming Dry Metal drains and weakens the Fire.

Common symptoms of this season include red and itchy eyes, skin rash, insomnia, nosebleed, sore throat, nausea, gallbladder issue, shingles, dark and/or painful urination, chronic inflammation, relapsing autoimmune disorders.  Treating Shaoyin Imperial Fire is the appropriate approach, tonifying the body with Sour flavor, draining with Bitter flavor, moderating it with Sweet flavor.  The staple grain should be green in color, and supplemented with hemp seeds.  Following this guideline can protect the body from the invasion of Damp pathogens.

According to 「月令」“The Monthly Orders,” 物候 the seasonal material manifestations of 夏至 Summer Solstice are:

1st Qi Phase: Deer Shed Their Antlers 鹿角解;

2nd Qi Phase: Cicadas Begin to Sing 蜩始鳴;

3rd Qi Phase: Pinellia Grows 半夏生.

The symbolic gesture of deer shedding antlers is that Yang begins to decline in the northern hemisphere at this time of the year because deer antlers are grown due to high levels of testosterone (a Yang force). Young deer antler treats all kinds of symptoms of Yang deficiency and has been a precious medicinal to increase testosterone levels.

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