For the year of Yin Water Rabbit, Fire Qi is deficient in general. Yangming Dry Metal Qi governs first half of the year, while Shaoyin Imperial Fire governs the second half of the year. From March 6 on to March 20, we will be in the third season node, Awakening of Insects 驚蟄 (Jing Zhe). This will be the last season governed by the Initial Qi phase. Currently, the Host Qi is Jueyin Wind-Wood, and the Guest Qi is Taiyin Damp Earth. Within each season, the Host Qi is the Upright Qi, while the Guest Qi is the pathogenic Qi. Their transmission and transformation depend on the Fire Qi. which is deficient this year. The two forces are not compatible with each other, there will be diseases associated with these two energies. Jueyin Wind-Wood supports and magnifies the Fire energies, while Taiyin Damp Earth enwraps and muffles the Fire.
Common symptoms of this season include swelling face and eyes, lethargy, drowsiness, nosebleed, sneezing, yawning, nausea, painful and unsmooth urination. Treating Taiyin Imperial Fire is the appropriate approach, tonifying the body with Sour flavor, draining with Bitter flavor, moderating it with Sweet flavor. The staple grain should be white in color, and supplemented with hemp seeds. Following this guideline can protect the body from the invasion of Damp pathogens.
According to 「月令」 “The Monthly Orders,” 物候 the seasonal material manifestations of 驚蟄 Awakening of Insects are:
1st Qi Phase: Peach Trees begin to Blossom 桃始華;
2nd Qi Phase: Black-naped Orioles Sing 倉庚鳴;
3rd Qi Phase: Hawks Transform Into Cuckoos 鷹化爲鳩。
Peach is a plant that signifies youth, longevity, and prosperity. Blossoming of the peach tree is a symbol of the arrival of spring, a season of growth and flourishing. The black-naped orioles and the cuckoos are also symbols of spring.
To find the recipe for this season, please visit my substack platform.