Ink Moxa for Treating Skin Issues in Pediatrics

Ink Moxa 墨灸 (Mò Jiū) is an ancient Japanese pediatric dermatological treatment method originated from the Komai family.  It is unclear when it was first practiced.  It started as folk medicine when Lacquer was used instead of ink, recorded in a「近江輿地志略」 in 1733.

Because young children tend not to stay still and they do not like fire near their skin, it is much safer (and less irritating) to use ink for them.

This method treats issues in children such as allergies, insect bites, burns, with inflamed joints and skin, minor muscle or tendon tears.  This method can be applied when there is dry, red, raised, irritated, bleeding, scaly skin, rashes with fluid or pus-filled bumps.  It calms the spirit, stops crying at night, night tears, regulates anatomical nervous system, promotes sleep quality and regulates immune functions.  For children with asthma and cardiac issues, this method can also be used as supportive treatment.

Important notes:

This method obtains the best results for children between 3 months to 10 years of age.

When applying this method, avoid extreme painful, inflamed areas such as in shingles.


(bulk herbs, do not use granules since they contain starch)

白朮 Báizhú 4g, 茯苓 Fúlíng 4g, 當歸 Dāngguī 3g, 川芎 Chuānxiōng 3g, 鉤藤鉤 Gōuténg gōu 3g, 柴胡 Cháihú 2g, 甘草 Gāncǎo 2g, 黃檗 Huángbò 2g, 龍腦 Lóngnǎo (natural) 2g, 黃金艾絨 Golden moxa 10g, 濃墨汁 Ink (pine charcoal smoke ink stick)


  1. Grind the first 9 ingredients into a fine powder mixture;

GENTLY grind an ink stick in circular motion on an ink stone with spring water, gradually add water until a thick, sticky tar-like liquid is produced, about 3-4 hours of labor work. Do not use much force during the grinding process since the grains need to be really fine.

  1. Thoroughly mix golden moxa with the herbal mixture.

Place the mixture in a mason jar, add ink liquid to the mixture until it turns into a jelly-like paste. There should be enough liquid for application. Store in the refrigerator for 2 weeks before usage.

  1. For treatment, take enough herbal mixture into a separate container for one treatment. Apply the mixture by using a calligraphy brush pen.
  2. The herbal mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.


  1. Make sure the child is in an emotionally good place to receive treatment. Do not start the treatment until the child calms down.
  2. Dab dots with brush pen along the child’s LI, ST, BL, Du, Ren channels. Each dot is about 1 to 1.5 inches apart.
  3. Allow the paste to dry on the naked skin naturally before putting clothes back on. The medicine will naturally fall off the next day or so.
  4. The ink may stain clothes even when it has dried, so make sure to inform the family about this fact.

Ink moxa is very safe to practice without any known side effects. Besides, it is fun for kids to see and feel ink dots being painted all over their body.

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